Level: Pre-intermediate and above
Brief description:
This unit is designed to raise student’s awareness on proofreading and editing a business letter or email.
Accuracy in writing: Are there any spelling, grammar or punctuation mistakes?
Purpose in writing: Is your purpose clear and do you stick to it through the e-mail? Is all necessary information or every relevant point included?
Consistency in writing: Does your writing flow? Are your ideas well organized and linked in a logical way?
Conventions in writing: Is the layout of the e-mail correct? Who will read the letter? Is the reader in a higher position than you? Are you being respectful or courteous enough?
Style in writing: Is the English clear, simple and concise? Is your message easy to follow and understand?
Let’s begin the adventure!!!! …
Here is a list of commonly used symbols to indicate the errors people make in their writing. You can use it to help check your own or a friend’s written work. (Magnify your screen to see the following picture clearer.)
• To proofread (verb): to read in order to find errors and mark corrections (Sửa chửa, chỉnh lỗi, biên tập)
• Relevant (adj.): important, necessary, vital (Cần thiết)
• To indicate (verb): to show, to make known, to point out (Chỉ ra, cho thấy)
Writing Practice:
You will not always have a teacher to correct your written work. Therefore, it is important to develop your ability to self-correct. Using the error correction symbols on the last page, indicate what is wrong with the following sentences. 1) I learn English from work experience and read English magazines.
2) I join this company to work at position of manager.
3) I graduated from University since 2002.
4) I have been work there for three years in position of secretary to MD.
5) I would like to tell you concerning my educational background.
6) My works I have to use English to write message, memo, and fax to customer etc.
7) I’m not good in writing.
8) I have been started working with this company since 2001.
9) Approximately 6 hours was spent on 7 pages report writing.
10) I need my writing to be more efficiency.
11) Although I have been studying English for many years but I still have problem.
12) And I hope to be able to write more accuracy.
13) I am responsibility for three people.
Make it a habit to self-correct your own work. After you finish a piece of writing, put it aside for a short while. Then read it carefully and mark it with the correction code shown above, or use your own code. Then correct your errors. This will improve the quality of your writing, and help you become more aware of your own grammar strengths and weaknesses.
WELL- DONE! You have fulfilled another mission in the adventure to master Business English. See you in the next lesson.
ANSWERS: (Magnify your screen to see the following picture clearer.)
This material is provided by the Australian Centre for Education and Training (ACET).