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Vietnam, US elevate ties to comprehensive strategic partnership

Vietnam, US elevate ties to comprehensive strategic partnership

Sunday, September 10, 2023, 22:50 GMT+7
Vietnam, US elevate ties to comprehensive strategic partnership
General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Nguyen Phu Trong (R) and U.S. President Joe Biden at a press conference in Hanoi, September 10, 2023. Photo: Vietnam News Agency

Vietnam and the U.S. announced the elevation of their bilateral relations to comprehensive strategic partnership, the highest level in the Southeast Asian country's international relations, following talks between General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Nguyen Phu Trong and U.S. President Joe Biden in Hanoi on Sunday.

“I and U.S. President Joe Biden represented the two countries to release the joint statement on upgrading the Vietnam-U.S. relations to comprehensive strategic partnership for peace, cooperation, and sustainable development,” Party General Secretary Trong said during a press conference co-chaired by him and the U.S. president the same day to announce the results of their dialogue.

The comprehensive strategic partnership will continue to be based on basic principles that guide the two countries' relations, including respect for the United Nations Charter, international law and each other’s political institutions, independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity, the Vietnamese leader added.

Fostering the cooperation in science and technology is a new breakthrough of the two sides’ comprehensive strategic partnership.

He also stressed that the upgrade to comprehensive strategic partnership was just an initial success.

The relevant agencies of the two countries will coordinate to realize agreements in the coming time.

Vietnamese Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong speaks at the press conference. Photo: Hai Huy / Tuoi Tre

Vietnamese Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong speaks at a press conference co-chaired by U.S. President Joe Biden in Hanoi, September 10, 2023. Photo: Hai Huy / Tuoi Tre

Meanwhile, U.S. President Biden said the move is vital for both countries, proving the strength of their relations when they have to encounter many challenges.

Hanoi and Washington will deepen their cooperation in core and newly-emerging technological sectors, especially in the development of a supply chain with better resistance for the semiconductor industry, Biden said.

They will also expand the partnership to boost investment and trade between the two countries, he noted, adding that the U.S. will continue joining hands with Vietnam to handle the climate crisis, accelerate Vietnam’s transition to clean energy, and enhance their cooperation in security, including prevention of human trafficking.

During the talks with U.S. President Biden earlier the same day, Party General Secretary Trong said Vietnam welcomes the two countries’ lifting of their ties to comprehensive strategic partnership for the benefits of the two peoples and for peace, cooperation, and sustainable development in the new context.

The two leaders agreed that the most important factor for the development of the two nations’ ties is their respect for basic principles that guide their relations.

The Vietnamese Party chief stressed that mutual understanding, respect for each other's legitimate interests, and non-interference in each other's internal affairs are always important.

The motto for the development of the Vietnam-U.S. relationship is "leaving the past behind, overcoming differences, promoting similarities, and looking toward the future," the Vietnamese official said, adding that Vietnam treasures the U.S.'s affirmation that it supports a strong, independent, self-resilient, and prosperous Vietnam.

He also spoke highly of the content of the joint statement on the establishment of the two sides’ comprehensive strategic partnership for peace, cooperation, and sustainable development.

He emphasized major directions to intensify the Vietnam-U.S. relations, including the enhancement of their mutual understanding, the creation of long-term stability, and the arrangement of high-level meetings and people-to-people exchanges.

The Vietnamese Party leader welcomed the strong promotion of economic, trade, and investment cooperation, inclusive economic growth in an innovative manner, and the creation of breakthroughs in science and technology cooperation.

The U.S. president’s visit is meaningful for leaders of both countries to discuss their bilateral relations and international issues for the benefits of the two peoples, contributing to maintaining peace, cooperation, and sustainable development in the region and the world as a whole, Party General Secretary Trong said.

The Party chief reiterated good memories of his exchanges with Biden, who was vice-president during his visit to the U.S. in July 2015, hailed their exchanges over the past time, and thanked the U.S. leader for inviting him to visit the U.S. again.

Party General Secretary Trong also informed the U.S. president of Vietnam’s achievements in economic development, social progress and justice, and international integration over the past four decades.

He congratulated the U.S. on its socio-economic achievements under the leadership of President Biden and its contributions to the global cooperation enhancement to deal with great challenges, such as healthcare issues, environmental protection, response to climate change, and food security.

He affirmed Vietnam’s consistent foreign policy of independence, self-reliance, peace, friendship, cooperation, and development, noting that Vietnam adheres to the policy of diversification and multilateralization of diplomatic relations.

The Southeast Asian nation is willing to be a good friend and trustworthy partner of all countries, an active and responsible member of the international community.

As for complicated situations and international conflicts, Vietnam expects relevant parties to resume dialogue and resolve issues by peaceful means on the basis of respecting the basic principles of international law and the United Nations Charter, the Vietnamese official underlined.

Vietnam highly evaluates the U.S.’s support for the former and ASEAN in the East Vietnam Sea-related issues, asking the U.S. to continue contributing significantly to peace, security, and cooperation as well as ensuring freedom of navigation and aviation and the legitimate rights of those countries bordering the East Vietnam Sea.

The country also called on the U.S. to avoid acts that violate international law which may further complicate the situation, resolve disputes by peaceful means, implement Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Vietnam Sea (DOC), and soon conclude a Code of Conduct (COC) for the waterway in line with international law, including the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.

Vietnam is glad as the two countries’ relationship has developed in a strong, intensive, practical, and effective manner since they normalized their bilateral relations in 1995 and established a comprehensive partnership in 2013, Party General Secretary Trong added.

U.S. President Joe Biden at a press conference. Photo: Hai Huy / Tuoi Tre

U.S. President Joe Biden speaks at a press conference co-chaired by Vietnam's Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong in Hanoi, September 10, 2023. Photo: Hai Huy / Tuoi Tre

President Biden expressed his joy at paying a visit to Vietnam and his gratitude for the country's warm welcome, saying that his visit is historically significant for not only the relations between the two countries but also the Indo-Pacific region and the world.

He repeated Washington's viewpoint on supporting an open, stable, safe, connected, and prosperous region.

The U.S. president emphasized that he treasures Vietnam's role and position in the region, appreciating its active role in many regional and global issues, including responding to climate change.

He reiterated his support for ASEAN's central role and his wish to cooperate with Vietnam to contribute to the grouping's solidarity and prosperity.

Biden stressed that the East Vietnam Sea has an important position in international prosperity and stability.

He also expressed his appreciation for Vietnam, its development achievements, contributions to international work, and the leadership role of Party General Secretary Trong.

He expressed his support for Vietnam's development, including the two sides' cooperation in science and technology, electronics, response to climate change, and clean energy.

The U.S. president highly valued the upgrade of the two countries’ ties to comprehensive strategic partnership, which benefits both sides and serves common international interests.

The U.S. delegation (L) and the Vietnamese delegation at their talks at the Office of the Party Central Committee in Hanoi on September 10, 2023. Photo: Nguyen Khanh / Tuoi Tre

The U.S. delegation (L) and the Vietnamese delegation at their talks at the Office of the Party Central Committee in Hanoi, September 10, 2023. Photo: Nguyen Khanh / Tuoi Tre

Party General Secretary Trong had earlier presided over a welcome ceremony at the highest level for the U.S. president, who had arrived in Hanoi the same day for a state visit to Vietnam lasting until Monday.

The Vietnamese leader welcomed and appreciated Biden’s visit to Vietnam when both sides celebrate the 10th anniversary of their comprehensive partnership.

Biden’s visit comes at the invitation of General Secretary Trong.

The working trip marks the first time both the president and vice-president of the U.S. have visited Vietnam in a single term since the two countries established their diplomatic relations in 1995.

U.S. Vice-President Kamala Harris visited Vietnam from August 24 to 26, 2021.

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Thanh Ha - Nguyen Hanh - Ngoc Duc / Tuoi Tre News


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