Vietnam refutes rumor that prize-winning environmentalist was jailed for climate-related activities
Nguy Thi Khanh was imprisoned for tax evasion, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Nguy Thi Khanh was imprisoned for tax evasion, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Over the past 12 years, Kwon Hyun Woo has stood his ground to promote restorative justice and healing in the Vietnam-Korea relationship
Vietnamese activist Nguy Thi Khanh knew early on that depending on coal to meet the country’s growing demand for energy would be a disaster
An American animal activist has urged Vietnamese people to go vegetarian at least one day a week for all the health and environmental benefits that it brings, and as a way to save more animals from being slaughtered
The protest dubbed the "March Against Butchers" was aimed at supporting twelve activists accused of violence at an opposition rally last year as well as jailed activists