Vietnam exports show slowing growth amid order reduction, price pressure
Growth in key markets like China and Japan has been gradually declining
Growth in key markets like China and Japan has been gradually declining
The sector is seeing an uptick bucking the 2023 trends
The country’s seafood exports jumped 40 percent year on year
Vietnam's total exports came in at $336.31 billion
The suspension will last one week
Domestic raw wood is enough for the production of four times the amount of plywood Vietnam exports overseas each year
2020 will mark the first time fresh Vietnamese lychees are made available on the demanding Japanese market
Restrictions imposed by some EU countries at their borders in response to the virus outbreak were cited as the reason
The Tan Thanh Border Gate was previously shut down to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
Vietnam’s agricultural exports to China have dropped after more tightened regulations were imposed