Distance between home and work an important factor in modern city
A close distance between home and work can help reduce traffic congestion
A close distance between home and work can help reduce traffic congestion
The plots house 14 residential blocks with a total of 2,220 unused resettlement apartments and utility services
The new urban space will be developed in an area encompassing District 2, District 9, and Thu Duc District
Once hyper-popular Buddha Bar these days see most passers-by being medical staff, police and military personnel
The bar, located in District 2, is popular among foreigners in the area
Between March 13 and 18, the pilot visited a number of catering and entertainment establishments in Ho Chi Minh City
The assaulters tied their victims up in plastic zip ties and hit them with hammers
The earliest government-approved plan of the Thu Thiem new urban area in District 2 is nowhere to be found