Sun-dried beef puts this district in Vietnam’s Central Highlands on the map
The local abundance of raw materials and characteristic sunny weather have facilitated sun-dried beef production
The local abundance of raw materials and characteristic sunny weather have facilitated sun-dried beef production
The tree carries almost 100 years of memories for locals and visitors
The truck was descending a slope when it went off-road and plunged off the cliff
The company was fined US$4,340 for illegally employing 19 Chinese
The destroyed area was once home to both productive and natural forests
The cow spent 24 years without any peers in the wild
The women were fined a total of VND10 million (US$433)
Born without hands, feet, or shins, Nay Djrueng was labeled a 'curse' by elders in his village
The boy was trapped inside the hollow pillar for nearly five hours
The driver can be charged for attempted murder if investigators are able to gather sufficient evidence