Postal service allowed to operate during outdoor travel restrictions in Ho Chi Minh City
The municipal administration has permitted postal delivery service to operate after 6:00 pm
The municipal administration has permitted postal delivery service to operate after 6:00 pm
The transport department has authorized certain taxi firms to do the job
At least 11 provinces have required local residents not to go outside after 6:00 pm
Residents are only allowed to leave their houses for emergency medical services
The 6:00 pm to 6:00 am travel ban in the metropolis began on Monday
Vehicles coming from Ho Chi Minh City have been banned from entering multiple localities
The travel restriction will remain in place from 0:00 Saturday until further notice
The extended suspension took effect in the entire province from 0:00 am Thursday
Most of the travelers on the charter flight will be business people
Trung Duc and Khai Quan named their photo collection 'Lost at Home'