PetroVietnam reports 2 new oil, gas discoveries to prime minister
The recent findings mark the first instance of two oil discoveries within Vietnamese territory in a single year over the past five years
The recent findings mark the first instance of two oil discoveries within Vietnamese territory in a single year over the past five years
Dinh La Thang is expected to be indicted for serious errors at the Petrochemical and Bio-Fuel JSC
Russian gas giant Gazprom will soon sign a 10-year strategic cooperation agreement with Vietnam’s state oil firm PetroVietnam
Those working for PetroVietnam can be referred to as the 'people who search for fire,' thanks to their main activity of oil and gas exploration
Thang is already serving two jail terms totaling 31 years on other charges
The expectation is based on the decline in recoverable oil reserves
PetroVietnam is the trading name of Vietnam Oil and Gas Group (PVN)
The state-run giant will streamline its structure and divest from a number of subsidiaries from now to 2025
The state-owned oil and gas group is currently unable to assist the projects due to existing regulations
Trinh Xuan Thanh has been given two life sentences for his violations in two different cases