Vietnam rescues foreign sailor with signs of brain hemorrhage at sea
The Vietnamese maritime rescue center swiftly carried out the rescue
The Vietnamese maritime rescue center swiftly carried out the rescue
How is it possible that there are people who deliberately endanger the lives and properties of honest people?
The training vessel KOJIMA and its 88-member crew are scheduled to visit Vietnam from July 25 to 28
The boat was operating in Vietnamese waters when it was sunk by a Chinese vessel on May 26, 2014
The boat crashed into a reef and sank after being chased away by the vessel
The vessel was stranded for over an hour after hitting the bridge with its stern
Chinese attacks on Vietnamese fishing vessels are not uncommon
The port call will conclude on October 21
The visit is carried out on the occasion of 45 years of the two nations’ diplomatic ties and 10 years of strategic partnership
The visit is scheduled for September 18 to 21