Children die after eating suspected toad skin, eggs in central Vietnam
They randomly collected strange ingredients to cook and eat
They randomly collected strange ingredients to cook and eat
A total of 12 patients were brought to Thong Nhat Hospital due to methanol poisoning last month
Rather than follow her doctor’s orders, the woman took traditional medicine recommended by a neighbor
They bought an unknown type of raw alcohol and mixed it with water
They added essential oil from a bottle with all label and information in South Korean
She claimed to have fed her grandson a mixture of milk and rodenticide
Her poisoned bubble tea reached the wrong target
Nearly ten hectares of pine tree forest in Lam Dong Province was poisoned with herbicide in April 2019
A man and a woman were caught stealing 20 dogs and 10 cats after killing them with poisoned food
The man who allegedly poisoned the drink also took his own life afterward