Students back to school in Ho Chi Minh City
The city is expected to have more than 1.3 million students for the 2022-23 school year
The city is expected to have more than 1.3 million students for the 2022-23 school year
The Vietnamese capital city is the last locality among 63 provinces and cities nationwide to allow kindergartens to resume in-person learning
Kindergarteners will remain home
The reopening plan for elementary schools and kindergartens is still pending approval from parents
The children will return to school on a voluntary basis, given approvals from their parents
COVID-19 outbreaks in those places have been put under control
This is their first time at school in seven months
Tenth, eleventh, and twelfth grade students will join ninth graders in brick-and-mortar classrooms
Fully vaxxed ninth and 12th graders will be the first to resume offline schooling
It was their first in-person class since May 4