Police in Dak Lak Province, located in the Central Highlands of Vietnam, on Friday rescued a woman who had been trapped for over 24 hours in a 25-meter-deep dry well after falling into it while picking coffee beans.
The accident occurred in Ea Ngai Commune, Krong Buk District at noon on Thursday, but it was reported to the police at around 10:00 am the next day.
The police immediately sent a rescue team to the scene and called on local residents for additional equipment.
Recognizing the urgency of the situation due to the depth of the well and the risk of suffocation, the rescue team acted swiftly.
Using a manual winch provided by local residents, Nguyen Duc Ky from the Ea Ngai police agency descended into the well in a metal cage to carry out the rescue.
At approximately 10:20 am on Friday, the team successfully brought the victim to safety.
The woman, identified as N.T.H. hailing from Phu Yen Province in central Vietnam, was working as a hired coffee harvester in the area when she accidentally fell into the dry well.
She was then rushed to a local medical center for treatment.
Ky reported that the victim suffered two broken legs and multiple injuries but remained conscious during the rescue.
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