On Sunday, the Express Delivery Customs Sub-department of Ho Chi Minh City detected a drug precursor in several bottles of shampoo and hair dye, which would have been sent by air to Australia as gifts. These shampoo and hair dye bottles were packed with other items in a package weighing 11.5 kg. The consignor is from southern Kien Giang Province, while the consignee is a Vietnamese expat living in Australia. After noticing suspicious signs, customs sent samples of the substance in the bottles to the Criminal Science Sub-Institute in HCMC for testing. The test results showed that the samples are a drug precursor, which is used for the production of drugs. The name of the drug precursor has yet to be announced.
The Express Delivery Customs Sub-department, under the HCMC Customs Department, has handed the case over to local police for investigation. On November 21, the Sub-department discovered a similar case when its customs officers seized a package of baby wipes, weighing 17 kg, after finding it contained Epherin, a drug precursor, in an unknown quantity. A day later, customs discovered a package of seaweed and belly fat melting cream containing 1.6 kg of Pseudoephedrin, another drug precursor.
Some days earlier, customs also detected 4 kg of Pseudoephedrin hidden in 20 cans of processed Tuyen Ky meat.
All of these goods would have been sent to Australia as gifts if they had not been detected, customs reported.