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Individual establishes 116 companies in Ho Chi Minh City: taxman

Individual establishes 116 companies in Ho Chi Minh City: taxman

Friday, June 28, 2024, 17:18 GMT+7
Individual establishes 116 companies in Ho Chi Minh City: taxman
The tax agency in District 6, Ho Chi Minh City has discovered that an individual had established up to 116 companies in various districts of the city. Photo: Ngoc Phuong / Tuoi Tre

The taxman in District 6, Ho Chi Minh City has recently discovered that in a short period, a person had established up to 116 companies in various districts of the city.

According to the tax agency, Nguyen Thi Huong, a 34-year-old resident from Nam Dinh Province in northern Vietnam, is currently the legal representative of the 116 companies, including five in District 6.

Twenty-two others were registered to locate in Tan Binh District, 15 in Tan Phu District, 11 in Thu Duc City, and nine in District 5, among others.

These 116 companies have their names registered in foreign languages.

Police in Ho Chi Minh City detained Huong in April this year for allegedly laundering money and illegally transporting currencies across the border, according to a source of Tuoi Tre (Youth) newspaper.

The taxman in District 6 has cooperated with the administrations in District 6's wards to inspect the headquarters of Huong’s five companies in the district and found that they had not operated at the registered addresses.

As a result, the tax agency reported the case to the Ho Chi Minh City Tax Department and the municipal police. 

Nguyen Tien Dung, deputy director of the Ho Chi Minh City Tax Department, told Tuoi Tre on Thursday that the 116 companies were set up between December last year and March this year.

The department has asked for support from the municipal Department of Planning and Investment and the Department of Public Security to deal with the case, Dung informed.

The department will continue to review individuals owning many enterprises to prevent them from establishing many firms to trade invoices, Dung added. 

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Thanh Ha - Anh Hong / Tuoi Tre News


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