Brief description:
This unit is designed to provide word search vocabulary practice in the context of some common small creatures
Try to find all the insects above in the following wordsearch puzzle:
Glossary • Mosquito (n) /məˈski:təʊ/
A small flying insect that bites the skin of people and animals in order to feed on their blood. Some types of mosquito can spread a serious disease called malaria. (Con muỗi)
• Cricket (n) /ˈkrɪkɪt/
A small brown insect that moves by jumping and makes a loud noise by rubbing its front wings together (Con dế)
• Centipede (n) /ˈsentɪpi:d/
A very small insect with a long narrow body and many pairs of legs (Con rết)
• Moth (n) /mɒθ/
A flying insect with a long thin body and four large wings, like a butterfly, but less brightly colored (Con bướm đêm)
• Ladybug (n) /‘leɪdibʌg/
A small flying insect, usually red with black spots (Con bọ rùa)
This material is provided by the Australian Centre for Education and Training (ACET).