Level: Pre-Intermediate and above
Brief description:
This quiz is designed to test your knowledge of Football vocabulary. If you are with a friend, make it into a competition: see who can get the most correct answers!
1. A player whose job is to stop the other team from scoring is a __________.
a. defender
b. striker
c. forward
d. substitute
2. Pushing or tripping is a _________.
a. foul
b. throw in
c. handball
d. shot
3. Manchester United and Arsenal are teams in the English Premier __________.
a. cup
b. league
c. tournament
d. association
4. Each team can ___________ up to 3 players in a game.
a. foul
b. score c. substitute
d. defend
5. The assistant referee signals when a player is in an __________ position.
a. outside
b. offside
c. inside
d. backside
6. If a player commits a foul in the penalty area, the referee awards a penalty __________.
a. goal
b. spot
c. kick
d. ball
7. The final score was 0-0, so the game ended in a __________.
a. win
b. loss
c. draw
d. beat
8. The playing field is called a _________.
a. court
b. pitch
c. match
d. yard
9. A player is sent off the pitch if he receives a __________ card.
a. yellow
b. foul
c. red
d. penalty
10. To kick or head the ball to a teammate is a ________.
a. pass
b. shot c. tackle
d. hit
Answers: 1.a
3.b 4.c
Read more football news here:
• To trip (v): to cause someone to lose their balance after knocking your foot against something when you are walking or running (Ngáng chân, làm cho ai đó vấp ngã)
• To substitute (v): to replace one player with another player (Thay người chơi)
• Penalty area (n): the area near each goal in which the goalkeeper may handle the ball, and a foul is punished by a penalty kick (also, penalty box) (Khu vực đá phạt đền)
• To commit (v): to do something against the rules (Phạm luật)
• To send off (v): to order a sports player to leave the playing area during a game because they have done something wrong (US: to eject) (Đuổi ra khỏi sân)
This material is provided by the Australian Centre for Education and Training (ACET).