The sixth plenum of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee (CPVCC) issued an announcement at the end of the session on October 15.
In line with the term’s working programme, the meeting discussed and gave comment on reports and projects on the socio-economic situation in 2012 as well as plans and State budget estimate for 2013.
From October 1 to 15, the meeting also discussed the continued restructuring, renovation and improvement of the efficiency of State-owned enterprises (SOEs); the renovation of policies and laws on land; the fundamental and comprehensive renovation of education and training; scientific and technological development; personnel planning for the Party Central Committee, the Politburo, the Secretariat and key State and Party positions; and the establishment of the CPVCC’s Economic Commission.
The results of criticism and self-criticism by the Politburo and Secretariat and each member in the spirit of the Resolution of the CPVCC’s 4 th meeting were also examined together with several other important issues.
1. The CPVCC scrutinised and discussed the socio-economic situation in 2012 and orientations and tasks for 2013. The committee said that the country is implementing the tasks of 2012 in the context of complicated changes and more-than-predicted difficulties in the world economy.
With concerted efforts made by the whole Party, people and army, the country has recorded a number of important results and is striving to fulfill the yearly target at the highest level.
The economy registered a growth rate of 4.73 percent in the first nine months and the yearly figure is expected to reach 5.2 percent. Inflation has been curbed, the macro economy has become more stable, many production and service sectors have continued to develop and social security has been ensured.
However, the economy is still facing a lot of difficulties and challenges. The macro economy is yet to be really stable and inflation control results are not sustainable. Businesses still face many difficulties, especially in accessing credit loans and large inventory. Bad debts remain high and tend to increase. The stagnant real estate market is unable to recover with numerous hidden risks. Difficulties are also seen in job generation and in the life of some groups of people. The filing of complaints, crimes and social problems still see complicated developments.
In 2013, the world economy is forecast to continue to see unpredictable developments with numerous difficulties and hidden risks. The year will be a key period in Vietnam ’s five-year 2010-2015 socio-economic development plan. However, after two year of implementation, many indicators are much lower than the targeted levels.
The overall objective for 2013 is to strengthen macroeconomic stability, reduce inflation and attain a higher growth rate than 2012.
2. The CPVCC discussed and gave comments on a project to continue the restructuring, renovation and improvement of the efficiency of SOEs. The committee said that after more than ten years of implementing the resolution of the third meeting of the CPVCC (ninth tenure), and the Party’s resolutions on SOEs, all sectors and agencies at all levels have thoroughly grasped and implemented the viewpoints and guidelines of the Party and State in a synchronous and intensive way, and recorded important results.
The committee seriously pointed out limitations and shortcomings in the implementation of the Party’s policies on the restructuring and renovation of SOEs and improvement of their efficiency. The process remained slow due to poor organisation and a lack of close instructions. Some businesses have seriously violated the State regulations on management of investment capital, causing losses of State assets but detection and handling were slow.
The committee emphasised the need to continue the strong restructuring and renovation of SOEs so that they can maintain their core role as an important material force for the State to regulate the economy and stabilise the macro economy.
It urged an early completion of the restructuring of existing SOEs, focusing on those operating in key sectors and important areas.
3. The Party Central Committee discussed the continued renovation of policies and laws on land in the period of speeding up the national industrialisation and modernization; the committee continued to affirm important results and pointed out limitations and shortcomings in implementing the Resolution of the 7 th meeting of the CPVCC (ninth tenure) over the past 10 years. The committee stressed that such limitations and shortcomings must be promptly dealt with.
The CPVCC emphasised that land is an invaluable natural resource, a special means of production, a great asset and resource of the country, and a means of existence of people.
The management and use of land is a wide, complex and important issue that relates to the protection of revolutionary achievements and socio-political stability as well as the sustainable development of the country.
The orientation of continued renovation and perfection of land policies and law must focus on land use planning; land allocation and lease; land withdrawal and resettlement compensations and support; land registering and land use right certificate issue; the rights and obligations of organisations, households and individuals granted land use right; the development of the real estate market; financial policies on land; and land prices.
4. The CPVCC considered and discussed the projects on the fundamental and comprehensive renewal of education and training meeting the requirements of industrialisation and modernisation, and on scientific and technological development serving the cause of industrialisation and modernisation in the conditions of the socialist-oriented market economy and international integration.
The committee said that with the leadership and close guidance of the Party and State, the attention of the whole society and the efforts of teachers, managers and scientists, the country’s education-training and science-technology cause has recorded important achievements in terms of the size and quality of education at all levels; management work; teaching staff; scientific and technological research and application, potential, market and services; and international cooperation.
However, the two sectors have also revealed limitations, shortcomings and weaknesses. The quality of education and training, especially tertiary education and vocational training, remains low, failing to meet the requirements of industrialisation and modernisation.
Scientific and technological activities are yet to become a key momentum for socio-economic development. The training, use and treatment of scientific and technical staff showed many shortcomings while social investment in the field remains low and ineffective.
The CPVCC affirmed that education and training is a cause of the whole Party, State and people, and a leading national policy to improve people’s general knowledge, train human resources and nurture talented people. Investment for education and training must be a top priority.
The committee asked for the strong and intensive renewal of the awareness and way of thinking of education and training, education management, contents and methods of education, forms and methods of assessing the quality of education, as well as financial investment mechanisms and policies in this field.
Science and technology, together with education and training must be really leading national policies and the most important driving force for national development.
The committee emphasised the need to continue the strong and synchronous renovation of the organisation and management mechanism of scientific and technological activities, considering it a breakthrough. Scientific and technological human resources are defined as a decisive factor for the sector’s development.
Scientific and technological should be given priority in terms of national resources to create impulses for the field’s development while the proactive cooperation and the intensive and effective global integration in the field should be promoted.
5. The CPVCC scrutinised and discussed the personnel planning for the Central Committee, the Politburo, Secretariat and key Party and State positions in the 2016-2021 tenure and following terms. The committee affirmed that personnel is a decisive factor for the success and failure of the revolution, in close connection with the fate of the Party, the country and the regime.
The planning and preparation of personnel, especially strategic-level officials, are of an extremely important significance, ensuring that personnel work is implemented in an order and proactive manner.
The CPVCC affirmed that the personnel planning for the Central Committee, Politburo, Secretariat and key Party and State positions aims to prepare an abundant supply source of strategic-level officials, who will be trained, nurtured and tested in order to meet immediate and long-term tasks and serve as an important premise for personnel work for the national Party Congress and the high-ranking staff planning of the Party and State in the 2016-2021 tenure and following terms.
High-ranking officials must have sufficient qualifications, virtues and prestige, and hold firm to the ideal and the goal of national independence and socialism so as to successfully lead the national construction and defence in the new situation.
The committee stressed the need to actively discover and train cadres, especially young people who show their talents through their work performance and increase the proportion of young, female and ethnic minority officials and those working in science, technology, culture and art. Attention must also be paid to those with working, farming and academic background.
There must be three different age groups in the CPVCC to ensure continuation, inheritance and development, and the committee must have an appropriate structure to ensure a comprehensive leadership.
6. The Party Central Committee considered, discussed and gave comments to the results of criticism and self-criticism by the Politburo and Secretariat as a whole and each member in the spirit of the Resolution of the CPVCC’s 4 th meeting on some urgent issues on Party building at present.
Being deeply aware of the special significance and importance of this criticism drive and learning from experience and working methods from previous tenures, the Politburo and Secretariat made careful and serious preparations.
After more than two months of preparation, from July 12, the Politburo and Secretariat started to conduct criticism and self-criticism with a state of mind ready for a special political activity for the purity and strength of the Party, for the firmness and honour of the Politburo and Secretariat, and the advancement of each of their members.
The criticism and self-criticism lasted 21 days, including four days for collectives, 12 days for individuals and five days for discussions to clarify some related reports and issues. The drive took place in accordance with the principles and regulations of the Party. Collective criticism was done first and individuals followed.
The contents of collective and individual criticism closely followed the requirements of the Resolution of the CPVCC’s 4th meeting. Outstanding and pressing issues of concerns of officials, Party members and people tabled and analysed in depth. In general, the Politburo and Secretariat members demonstrated willingness and the sense of and responsibility in criticism and self-criticism.
On outstanding strong points, the Politburo and Secretariat is a united leadership collective holding firm to political thoughts and the goals and ideals of the Party, the Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh thoughts as well as a strong determination to protect the Party, the regime, national independence and sovereignty.
In general, the Politburo and Secretariat members are always aware of following revolutionary morality; have a healthy, simple and unpretentious lifestyle; and wholeheartedly strive for the cause of the Party and the nation.
On the main shortcomings, the Politburo and Secretariat failed to prevent and surmount the problems among not a small number of Party officials and members, including those holding leading and managerial positions, even senior officials, which include degradation in political thought, morality and lifestyle, faded belief in ideals, falling into individualism and pragmatism; running after fame, wealth, and position; involving in corruption and waste; and being undisciplined.
On some occasions, a number of Politburo and Secretariat members (both in and out of office) and their families failed to set example in morality and lifestyle, their words did not go with deeds, affecting the prestige of the Party and State agencies and themselves as well as the people’s trust in the Party.
The Politburo and Secretariat failed to focus attention on directing the clarification and the full assessment of the situation in order to take timely and resolute measures to surmount negative phenomena in personnel work such as bargaining for position, power and buying degree. The children of some officials were promoted not on the basis of ability, qualification and performance record, causing discontent among the public.
The Politburo and Secretariat had major shortcomings in directing, inspecting and supervising the organisation of the implementation of the CPVCC’s resolutions and conclusions on SOEs. They lacked thorough understanding and research in the issuance of some decisions (on decentralization of management among key officials of special-grade State economic groups and corporations as well as on the Party organisation model in several State groups and corporations, resulting in difficulties and relaxation of the leading role of the Party in State-owned businesses.
The loose management of State agencies (after abolishing the Law on State-owned Enterprises and the regime of governing ministry and handing over the right of self-control and self-responsibility for businesses), together with the prolongation of the pilot model of State economic groups and delayed review were one of the reasons leading to the ineffective operations and wrongdoings of some State economic groups and corporations, particularly Vinashin and Vinalines, causing great losses and serious multi-faceted consequences as well as greatly affecting the prestige and role of the State-owned economic sector.
The Politburo and Secretariat members examined and reviewed themselves with a view to bringing into full play their strong points, acquired suggestions and immediately fixed shortcomings, contributing to speeding up the implementation of the Party policies and resolutions, including the Resolution of the CPVCC’s 4 th meeting.
The Politburo directed the building of process, procedures and method of taking and casting confidence vote on those holding positions elected or approved by the National Assembly and the People’s Councils, the drafting of implementation of a personnel planning for the CPVCC, the Politburo, the Secretariat and key Party and State positions to submit to the committee’s 6 th meeting.
The committee also issued documents on guidance for the implementation of inquiries at the CPVCC’s meetings, and conclusions on stepping up personnel planning and rotating leading and managerial officials until 2020 and the following years, and decided to relocate and assign tasks to some Politburo members.
The leadership and management of the press has been enhanced, broadcast of some foreign television channels and lax management of websites and personal blogs were rectified, gradually curbing the negative impacts of falsified and distorted information on the Internet.
The CPVCC focused their guidance on dealing with complex and outstanding issues in carrying out the policy of restructuring the State-owned economic groups, the system of commercial banks and the financial market. The committee directed the investigation and handling of serious economic crimes, notably the start of legal proceedings against Nguyen Duc Kien and former leaders of the Asia Commercial Bank, including Chairman of Executive Board Tran Xuan Gia and Chief Executive Officer Ly Xuan Hai for alleged legal violations to speculate and manipulate the monetary market, the search for and arrest of Duong Chi Dung, former Chairman of Executive Board of Vinalines, which were hailed by officials, Party members and people.
Through conducting criticism and self-criticism, the Politburo and Secretariat members had a chance to learn from each other, thus enhancing their capacity of leadership and guidance, renewing their way of working, being stricter with themselves, and keeping up morality and healthy lifestyle. The process of criticism and self-criticism among the Politburo and Secretariat set an example for their subordinates. Their method and experiences in making preparations and conducting criticism had a widespread and orienting effect, making important contributions to improving the quality and effectiveness of conducting preparations and criticism at the provincial and equivalent levels in particular, in the whole Party in general, which were highly valued by the public opinions.
Immediately after finishing the first stage of conducting collective and individual criticism, on August 13, 2012, the Politburo held a conference for key cadres nationwide to popularise their experiences for officials at the municipal, provincial and equivalent levels.
The Politburo has recommended more intensive criticism concerning some contents relating to 56 collectives and individuals, assigned Politburo and Secretariat members and established CPVCC’s working groups to attend and direct the criticism at the provincial and equivalent levels.
In the recent past, local authorities have applied the above-mentioned methods and experiences to conduct preparations and criticism in their localities, organisations and units.
After directing preliminary review of criticism at the provincial level, the committee closely and seriously instructed the criticism and self-criticism at the district and grassroots levels, so as to avoid the tendency of cursory implementation. On this basis, criticism and self-criticism in the spirit of the Resolution of the CPVCC’s 4 th meeting are made a regular activity in the Party.
Regulations on question-and-answer in the Party must be seriously implemented, especially those at the CPVCC’s meetings. The CPVCC also agreed to promptly build and finish projects in order to meet their deadlines as set under the Politburo’s Plan No.08-KH/TW, dated March 12, 2012, on implementing the Resolution of the CPVCC’s 4 th meeting.
The committee also conducted self-criticism and acknowledged its responsibility for failing to prevent shortcomings and weaknesses over the past time. The committee sincerely apologised to the whole Party and people for those shortcomings and weaknesses, and pledged to try its best to gradually solve them.
The committee urged, now or never, the entire Party to strengthen the contingent, increase solidarity and unity, maintain trust, lead the whole Party and people to overcome all difficulties and challenges, build on the initial important results of implementing the Resolution of the commitee’s 4 th meeting, creating breakthroughs and repairing shortcomings and weaknesses in order to build the Party purer and stronger and into a true revolutionary party that has flesh-and-blood links with the people.
7.The CPVCC considered and decided to establish a Party Central Committee’s Economic Commission as suggested by the Politburo. It was also the first time the CPVCC conducted question and answer sessions in a straightforward, enthusiastic and responsible manner at the meeting.
8. The CPVCC called on the whole Party, people and armed forces to enhance solidarity and strive to overcome difficulties and challenges, continuing to successfully implement the Resolution of the 11 th National Party Congress, the Resolution of the 11 th CPVCC’s 4 th meeting, Resolutions and conclusions of the CPVCC and the socio-economic development plans of 2012, 2013./.