The Vietnamese circus play “Lang Toi” (My village), which has earned notable critical acclaim on stages in Vietnam and other countries, will return to Ho Chi Minh City on January 24, 25, and 26.
“Lang Toi” uses the language of circus and theatre to depict Vietnam’s peaceful country life, as well as traditional customs and folk games.
The main stage is decorated with bamboo, a plant very important to the Vietnamese people. According to Le Tuan, one of the show’s directors, the use of bamboo is to remind Vietnamese youth in Vietnam as well as overseas of their roots and to introduce Vietnamese culture to the world.
“After nearly 4 years touring around the world, “Lang Toi” is on its way back to continue to engage Vietnamese audiences,” director Tuan Le said.
“Using bamboo to perform circus acts, the young talent artists of “Lang Toi” honors the vitality and versatility of the Vietnamese plant, and depicts a romantic and cozy image of the Vietnamese countryside,” local film director Viet Linh commented on the show.
“Lang Toi” will take place at 6pm at the city’s opera House at 7 Lam Son Square in District 1. The show is also expected to be showcased at the same venue in March and April. According to organizers, “Lang Toi” continues to be invited to stages in Singapore and New York.