Best steak restaurant in Vietnam is New-York Steakhouse ( which serves up a whole range of beef dishes from Rib Eye Steak, New-York strip Steak, Porterhouse to Tenderloin. Secret is not just in the piece of meat.
What makes New-York Steakhouse one of the best place for steak and wine is not merely the choice of gourmet steaks that the restaurant offers but really the combination of a few essential qualities.
The preparation has to be correct. Most people make the mistake of assuming that cooking a steak is just about a throwing a piece of choice meat on a hot surface and removing it at the right time. When they discover it didn't work, they blame the disaster on the piece of meat. Cooking a steak is a lot more than that but that's the reason why diners go out to eat, right?
How many times have diners been given a set of totally wrong silverware with their steaks? Cutleries are important, nothing fancy, just the right kind of knives that will cut through the kind of meat served with minimal effort and maximum precision would do just fine.
Red wine with steak certainly works here but what kind of red wine? More importantly is the tannin level in the wine that the restaurant must address. If the steak restaurant puts up a large selection of steaks, why would it fail to have a large selection of wine for diners to choose from?
So whether you are looking for a great steak, celebrating a special occasion, re-uniting with old friends or meeting for the first time, you will love to do it over a great meal at New-York Steakhouse. The next time your life calls for getting together with friends or family, head on over to New-York Steakhouse.
The New-York Steakhouse is located 25-27 Nguyen Dinh Chieu, Nguyen Binh Khiem street access. The restaurant’s atmosphere is warm and friendly, and the artwork and tasteful Western artifacts provide a comfortable place for guests to relax and unwind after a long day. New-York Steakhouse is a casual dining, full-service restaurant that serves lunch and dinner, offering a wide variety of refreshing drinks from full liquor, wines by the glass and premium beer selection.